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Sleep & Music

Music is as old as humanity. Music and humanity resonate at specific frequencies and many believe music/tones are capable of resonating with and healing our dna & bodies at the molecular level.

From chanting, repetitive mantras, Tibetan singing bowls, didgeridoo, pipes, shamanic chants, to even church and cathedral bells, humans have always used music to express themselves or to help themselves heal, emotionally and psychologically. Remember when we fell in love, our music choices and what we listened to reflected that euphoria. Or when the love faded in a relationship and the love was lost, we sought music to console ourselves, to ease the pain and suffering. As breath is to life, music is to be human. We simply cannot live without music.

They say there are cures for all diseases in the rain forests and even in the oceans. So too, there are cures music can facilitate and provide, in the emotional, psychological and some say, even physical realms of our existence. Our bodies resonate at frequency, our emotional state is frequency, our thoughts, our cells, all resonate. What we think, we become, all frequency and energy.

But sadly, there are millions upon millions of people in this world who have serious sleep disorders, deprived of the very thing which should give their bodies and minds nourishment - Sleep. And there are a myriad of reasons as to why they are unable to acquire a good night's sleep every night. From worries, food disorders, emotional issues, physical ailments to name but a very few, (there are many), the resulting discomfort and sleep deprivation can be debilitating and life ruining for people. It can and does result in stress and mental health issues.

But there is some hope, as there are many great books out there aimed at helping people with sleep disorders, narcolepsy, sleep apnoea and more. Check out these wonderful books with info, advice and insight into many of the reasons people can't sleep and how to better achieve a good night's sleep.

Books can provide a researched information source and help, but additional to them, music can also aid in the pursuit of sleep bliss, as tones and music can help calibrate the mind and body, resonating frequencies, harmonising with your electro-magnetic being. We are electric beings, and our bodies some say, are 80-90 per cent water. Water resonates and can be affected by tones & music. Just look at the way in which water reacts to specific tones in this video >>>

Tesla himself carried out experiments with tones & frequencies, and postulated that they can be used in healing. Mark Twain apparently assisted him in some of his experiments. Here is a brief Documentary about Tesla's sound healing experiments.

Whenever you are unable to sleep, try an experiment and listen to music or sounds with headphones on or if you have a speaker system, to find out if indeed certain music or sounds help your mind and body to relax, calibrate and settle into a relaxing, non thinking pattern. Some people like to listen to classical, or chilled classical, or relaxing spiritual music, and then some like to listen to nature sounds, chimes or Tibetan Singing Bowls, which are wonderful to listen to, they're so very calming. This is so peaceful >>>

If you're having trouble, drop me (Pete) an email at - I hope to have a Member Forum active soon, which means you can chat/discuss with many others in a similar situation and perhaps learn more about your sleep issue or disorders.


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